

Open hearts, Open homes

Kevin had host families when he was in pro ball. At every level of that journey, a family we didn’t know opened their home up to him and let him live with them for the duration of the season. Or, until he got moved. They let him


I had a plan for a blog post using this photo. I told Kevin on the way up to Nashville for this years ABCA Annual Convention that I needed to make sure I got a good photo of the main stage area. I was going to write

The business of baseball.

Two words come to mind when I think about baseball in December. Winter meetings. If you’ve never watched the coverage, I recommend doing it at least once. After that, you may never want to again. It’s a lot to take in! I can remember being at a convention for

Our confessions.

I was 11 years old when I toured Turner Field. We were on a short family vacation to Atlanta for spring break. To this day I still remember the views of looking down on the field from the press box and sitting in the plush

Coach Kevin

Coach Kevin is a Pensacola native who grew up playing ball at the local rec fields. He was part of the 10U All-Star team that won the state tournament and went on to represent Florida in the Dixie Youth World Series in Chattanooga, TN where

Welcome to Dugout Confessions.

I’m Courtney. I’m so glad you’re here. I’m a wife. A mom. And coffee is a main food group in this home. But more than that – I’m the wife of a former professional player turned full-fledged coach