Welcome to Dugout Confessions.

I’m Courtney.
& I’m so glad you’re here.
I’m a wife. A mom. And coffee is a main food group in this home.
But more than that – I’m the wife of a former professional player turned full-fledged coach. And a mom to two youngsters who are just starting to get their cleats dirty.
When my husband retired from playing we opened a training academy. He loved playing the game. And he was good at it. He dominated on the mound and has been afforded some amazing opportunities because of it.
But his passion is teaching the game.
Specifically, teaching the game to young players in a way that betters them both on and off the field. In a way that empowers them to reach their own goals. A way that teaches them to remain humble no matter what accolades and accomplishments come their way. And a way that gives them confidence and boldness to never quit.
My passion is creating. One of my favorite ways to create is writing.
Writing words that bring comfort and warmth in hard times.
Joy and fulfillment in the good times.
Inspiration and excitement for the times to come.
& both of our passions come together through writing about our life on the diamond.
Baseball is hard. It’s a game of failure and it tests the level of restraint and grit of those who play it, those who coach it and those who watch it. But more than that, it’s a beautiful game of you VS you on a team of us VS them.
In my 12 years of being the wife of a player and the wife of a coach – I’ve seen and heard a lot!
And now, I’m ready to share it.
The good. The bad. The ugly. The beautiful.
Encouragement. Inspiration. Hard truths.
My view from the stands.
My view from the dugout.
This is my story.
And these are my confessions.